
Why invest

The main indicators and trends of economic trends in Bosnia and Herzegovina suggest that, in terms of total production and turnover, export earnings, number of employees, ZDC is a canton of great economic and business potential, and as such is very attractive to investors, especially because:

  • Geostrategic position and proximity to the European market - ZDC is located on the route of the highway "Corridor 5c" (port of Ploče - Budapest), which in the future will connect Central and Eastern Europe with the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean. Close to the port of Brčko, the port of Ploče, as well as the airports in Sarajevo and Tuzla.
  • Wealth of resources - Large reserves of coal and other minerals, water potential, forest wealth and quality wood assortment, agricultural land.
  • Lower labor costs - Relatively low labor costs compared to other countries in Central and Southeast Europe.
  • Low tax rates - Given that tax reform in B&H is still ongoing, and that only the new Law on Profit Tax has been adopted, which has not increased the tax rate, B&H still has much lower tax rates compared to other Europeancountries.
  • A wide range of benefits at the cantonal and local government level that potential investors can use.
  • Industrial and craft tradition - Some industries in ZDC are well developed and have a long tradition and a comparative, competitive advantage. The most successful are: metal, wood and textile-leather industry.
  • Potential for the development of various types of tourism (cultural-historical, spa, health, river, mountain, rural, hunting).
  • Stable currency - The exchange rate of the convertible mark is pegged to the euro (1 euro is 1,95583 KM). A stable currency has secured B&H the lowest inflation rate in Southeast Europe.
  • Potentials of business zones, and developed organizations to support the development of entrepreneurship.
  • Public-private partnership established.
  • Flexible and well-organized education system that educates a dynamic and qualified workforce according to the needs of companies, with the possibility of education in order to adapt to the needs of modern business processes.
  • Export orientation of companies from the area of ZDC.
    Perspective of B&H’s accession to the European Union.
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